
ED920 Developmental Learning and Pedagogies
ED921 Ecology and Management of Learning Environments



Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

Unit Description

During the school-based learning experiences, pre-service teachers will demonstrate a responsive and responsible approach to professional practice and satisfactory completion of Professional Experience placements and debriefings. They will observe and reflect on the role and responsibility of a teacher, including Christian values and principles, and professional conduct with students, colleagues and the school community. Pre-service teachers will engage with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and the Codes of Conduct and Ethics for the teaching profession and reflect on their implications for professional practice.

The Professional Experience together with the College-based delivery are designed to scaffold the pre-service teachers’ development in professional practice from those of a novice to those of an independent graduating teacher who is “ready to teach”.

Pre-service teachers will be required to undertake five days in a school setting. Students will concentrate on observing and assisting teachers and students and reflecting on their experiences. Through this subject students will get an early ‘feel’ for their development as pre-service teachers.

Pre-service teachers will observe and reflect on: the effectiveness of a learning environment in terms of overall student learning; attention to individual learning needs; management of student behaviour and; teachers’ professional behaviour and ethical conduct. In addition they will observe and reflect on professional behaviour including empathy, positive regard for and rapport with students; productive relationships with colleagues and teachers’ on-going learning.

Successful completion of all Professional Experience units is essential to gaining the award of Master of Teaching.

Pre-service teachers will have a Working with Children check before they commence Professional Experience.



Unit offerings

Face to face: (Demand based)

Please note

The Unit Offerings listed above are a guide only and the timetable for any year is the final authority. The College may vary offerings based on demand, regulatory requirements, continual improvement processes or other conditions.

This unit may be available in different modes of delivery i.e. online and face-to-face as listed above. The unit content will not differ between these modes of delivery. There will possibly be a difference in the schedule and/or the prescribed assessment tasks, however both will cover and assess the same content.