MT560 Basic Calculus
On successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
Describe and apply vector concepts in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Cartesian geometry.
Apply vectors to describing lines and planes in solid geometry.
Apply introductory Matrix notation, including dot-product and cross-product operators.
Apply matrices to represent and solve a system of linear equations.
Examine linear transformations, their matrix representations and applications.
This unit extends the work of MT560 Basic Calculus into the field of linear algebra including linear equations and matrices, dependence and independence, and transformations. Vector spaces, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors are also addressed.
Use of graphing calculators is required and computers may be used at the option of the instructor.
Teaching strategies include lectures and tutorials, weekend schools; class discussions; role plays and practice of skills within class; presentation of instructional material in the form of printed documentation, DVD, video and audio tape and on-line interaction.
The Unit Offerings listed above are a guide only and the timetable for any year is the final authority. The College may vary offerings based on demand, regulatory requirements, continual improvement processes or other conditions.
This unit may be available in different modes of delivery i.e. online and face-to-face as listed above. The unit content will not differ between these modes of delivery. There will possibly be a difference in the schedule and/or the prescribed assessment tasks, however both will cover and assess the same content.