ES610 Primary English
On successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
Demonstrate an advanced understanding of how to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate a literacy program that supports oral language development, reading, and writing in early literacy..
Articulate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of current theory and practice connected to the acquisition of early literacy skills: reading and viewing, writing, listening and speaking.
Demonstrate understanding of the factors which support or that hinder the early literacy development of young children.
Develop and critically evaluate a range of highly effective teaching strategies to teach early literacy..
Design a literacy program that demonstrates careful consideration on nurturing faith, exploring identity, honouring God, and serving others.
Demonstrate how effective assessment practices can and should inform effective learning programs that support student learning.
This unit is designed to increase the confidence and skills of Pre-service teachers in teaching early literacy. Preservice teachers will explore past theories of literacy learning application, and dive deep into the current research on effective literacy learning practices. While a focus on the Science of learning will be maintained throughout the course, an exploration into various approaches within this methodology will be explored. Throughout the course, students will view the learning and teaching of literacy from and through a Biblical perspective and explore effective ways to embed Biblical frameworks in planning and application of literacy learning. Preservice teachers will explore the variety of factors that influence children’s effective learning of literacy in Australia, including educational policies. Developing understanding and effective approaches to work with students across all backgrounds and skills, will also be explored, with a focus on ATSI, EAL/D and diverse learning needs. Preservice teachers will participate in practical activities designed to increase their proficiency at assessing and identifying student literacy needs, analysis of assessment data, planning for literacy learning and incorporating high impact literacy strategies which support students’ oral language and literacy development within the diverse class context.
Embedded throughout:
* Christian/ biblical framework
* Catering for diverse needs i.e. differentiation
* Assessment approaches
The Unit Offerings listed above are a guide only and the timetable for any year is the final authority. The College may vary offerings based on demand, regulatory requirements, continual improvement processes or other conditions.
This unit may be available in different modes of delivery i.e. online and face-to-face as listed above. The unit content will not differ between these modes of delivery. There will possibly be a difference in the schedule and/or the prescribed assessment tasks, however both will cover and assess the same content.