At least two of:
ED621.306 Ecology and Management of Learning Environments
ED622.306 Students with Additional Needs
ED623.306 Information Communications Technology and Design
ED724.306 Learners, Educators and Social Contexts
ED621.306 Ecology and Management of Learning Environments
ED622.306 Students with Additional Needs
ED623.306 Information Communications Technology and Design
ED724.306 Learners, Educators and Social Contexts
On successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
Critically review strategies to develop curriculum and assessment that are integrative, inclusive and differentiated according to student needs and the Australian Curriculum.
Plan strategies to support consistent, comparable judgements of student learning, including moderation, collaboration and assessment design
Create and critically evaluate assessment tools that provide reliable evidence of student learning
Analyse data in order to evaluate evidence of student learning and to inform and modify teaching practice
Design a range of feedback and reporting processes that support student learning and engage a range of education stakeholders
Differentiate between the purposes of a range of assessment strategies , including formal and informal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches
Students examine and analyse curriculum design; assessment philosophies, strategies and tools; as well as a variety of reporting processes for a range of stakeholders. They apply these to their learning and teaching practices.
The Unit Offerings listed above are a guide only and the timetable for any year is the final authority. The College may vary offerings based on demand, regulatory requirements, continual improvement processes or other conditions.
This unit may be available in different modes of delivery i.e. online and face-to-face as listed above. The unit content will not differ between these modes of delivery. There will possibly be a difference in the schedule and/or the prescribed assessment tasks, however both will cover and assess the same content.