Unit No Unit Name Mode Start Date End Date Census Date EFTSL Value Tuition Fee (Domestic) CSP Student Contribution Amount
CF501 Living in Christ Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CF502 Foundations for Faith Online 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CF801 Living in Christ Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CF802 Foundations for Faith Online 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CHCCCS016 Respond to client needs FlexiClass 17/02/2025 14/06/2025 27/02/2025 0 ---
CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support Online 05/05/2025 14/06/2025 16/05/2025 0 ---
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people Weekly F2F 21/04/2025 14/06/2025 01/05/2025 0 ---
CHCEDS045 Support student mathematics learning Weekly F2F 10/03/2025 14/06/2025 17/03/2025 0 ---
CHCEDS046 Support student literacy learning Weekly F2F 10/03/2025 14/06/2025 17/03/2025 0 ---
CHCEDS047 Assist in facilitation of student learning Weekly F2F 10/02/2025 14/06/2025 17/03/2025 0 ---
CHCEDS058 Support the implementation of behaviour plans Weekly F2F 12/05/2025 26/07/2025 19/05/2025 0 ---
CHCEDS061 Support responsible student behaviour Weekly F2F 12/05/2025 26/07/2025 19/05/2025 0 ---
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically Intensive 10/03/2025 14/06/2025 21/03/2025 0 ---
CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues FlexiClass 10/03/2025 14/06/2025 20/03/2025 0 ---
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice Online 17/02/2025 22/11/2025 25/02/2025 0 ---
CN510 Introduction to Counselling Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CN602 Common Counselling Issues Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CN603 Strengths-based Collaborative Approaches to Counselling Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CN605 Counselling for Addiction Independent/Directed 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CN701 Family Counselling Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CN724 Counselling Field Education 1 Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CN725 Counselling Field Education 2 Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CN802 Common Counselling issues Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
CN810 Introduction to Counselling Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ED520 Developmental Learning and Pedagogies Intensive 10/02/2025 13/06/2025 14/03/2025 0.125 ---
ED631A Curriculum, Assessment and Data Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ED722A Students with Additional Needs Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ED724A Learners, Educators and Social Contexts Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ED733A Assessment, Data and Curriculum Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ED860 Worldviews and Education FlexiClass 24/02/2025 17/10/2025 18/04/2025 0.125 ---
ED920 Developmental Learning and Pedagogies Intensive 10/02/2025 13/06/2025 14/03/2025 0.125 ---
ED922 Students with Additional Needs Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ED924 Learners, Educators and Social Contexts Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ED952 Assessment, Evidence and Reporting Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
EN503 Literature and Worldview Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
EN604 Young Adult Fiction Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
EN662 Write Creatively Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
EN701 Australian Literature Online 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
EN803 Literature and Worldview Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES610 Primary English Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES611 Primary Mathematics Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES612 Primary Health and Physical Education Independent/Directed 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES614 Primary Humanities Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES615 Primary Science Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES620 Secondary Specialisation 1 - Curriculum and Pedagogy Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES621 Secondary Specialisation 1 - Assessment and Reporting Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES622 Secondary Specialisation 2 - Curriculum and Pedagogy Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES623 Secondary Specialisation 2 - Assessment and Reporting Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES766 Early Literacy and Reading Instruction Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES911 Primary Mathematics Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES914 Primary Humanities Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES915 Primary Science Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES927 Adolescent Identity and Contexts Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES932 English (Years 7 to 10) Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES934 Music (Years 7 to 10) Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES936 Physical Education (Years 7 - 10) Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES938 Home Economics Cross-Curricula (Years 7-10) Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES940 Mathematics (Years 7 to 10) Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES942 History (Years 7 to 10) Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES944 Religious Studies (Years 7 to 10) Weekly F2F 10/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES960 Science (Years 7 to 10) Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES966 Literacy and Early Reading Instruction Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
ES970 Digital Technologies (Years 7 to 10) Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
HS501 Early Twentieth Century History: From Chronicling to Understanding Online 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
HS636 Contact, Conflict and Reconciliation FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
HS702 Writing History Online 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
HS737 Radicals, Reformers and Revolutionaries FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
HS737 Radicals, Reformers and Revolutionaries Online 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
LN502 Introduction to Literacy FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
LN504 Introduction to Sociolinguistics FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
LN512 Scripture Engagement FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
LN513 Semantics and Discourse FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
LN802 Introduction to Literacy FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 14/03/2025 0.125 ---
LN804 Introduction to Sociolinguistics FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
LN812 Scripture Engagement FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
LN813 Semantics and Discourse FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
MSMSUP106 Work in a Team Weekly F2F 28/04/2025 30/06/2025 08/05/2025 0 ---
MSMSUP106 Work in a Team Online 28/04/2025 30/06/2025 08/05/2025 0 ---
MT560 Basic Calculus Online 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
MT610 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations Online 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
MT740 Advanced Calculus Online 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236001 Develop foundational knowledge of the Bible Online 14/04/2025 27/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236008 Explain own beliefs to others Online 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236011 Conduct an awareness campaign on an ethical issue Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236011 Conduct an awareness campaign on an ethical issue Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236011 Conduct an awareness campaign on an ethical issue Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236011 Conduct an awareness campaign on an ethical issue Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236011 Conduct an awareness campaign on an ethical issue Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236011 Conduct an awareness campaign on an ethical issue Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236011 Conduct an awareness campaign on an ethical issue Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236011 Conduct an awareness campaign on an ethical issue Weekly F2F 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11236011 Conduct an awareness campaign on an ethical issue Online 14/04/2025 26/07/2025 23/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11237001 Apply knowledge of the Bible Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 30/06/2025 27/02/2025 0 ---
NAT11237001 Apply knowledge of the Bible Online 17/02/2025 30/06/2025 27/02/2025 0 ---
NAT11237002 Interpret biblical texts Weekly F2F 28/04/2025 27/06/2025 05/05/2025 0 ---
NAT11237002 Interpret biblical texts Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 30/06/2025 27/02/2025 0 ---
NAT11237002 Interpret biblical texts Online 17/02/2025 30/06/2025 27/02/2025 0 ---
NAT11237003 Develop and apply knowledge of key Christian beliefs Blended 21/04/2025 13/10/2025 28/04/2025 0 ---
NAT11237004 Discuss a topic from a Christian perspective Weekly F2F 28/04/2025 23/06/2025 08/05/2025 0 ---
NAT11237004 Discuss a topic from a Christian perspective Online 28/04/2025 30/06/2025 08/05/2025 0 ---
NAT11237006 Explain Christian beliefs to a non-Christian audience Weekly F2F 28/04/2025 27/06/2025 05/05/2025 0 ---
NAT11237008 Use Christian spiritual practices to support own personal development Weekly F2F 28/04/2025 30/06/2025 08/05/2025 0 ---
NAT11237008 Use Christian spiritual practices to support own personal development Online 28/04/2025 30/06/2025 08/05/2025 0 ---
PR501 Professional Experience: Primary Observation (5 days) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0 ---
PR502 Professional Experience: Secondary Observation (5 days) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0 ---
PR601 Professional Experience (15 days A) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.0625 ---
PR602 Professional Experience (15 days B) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.0625 ---
PR701 Professional Experience (25 Days) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 777 ---
PR702 Professional Experience TPA (30 days) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
PR931A Professional Practice (5 days) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0 ---
PR932A Professional Practice (5 days) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0 ---
PR933A Professional Practice: Teaching Primary (25 days) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 777 ---
PR934A Professional Practice: Teaching Secondary (25 days) FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 777 ---
PR937 Teacher Performance Assessment Praxis - Primary FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
PR938 Teacher Performance Assessment Praxis - Secondary FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
RP992 Research Paper in Transformational Development FlexiClass 20/01/2025 08/08/2025 07/03/2025 0.25 ---
SS501 Introduction to Sociology Weekly F2F 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
VU21884 Analyse stories/narratives within culture Blended 21/04/2025 13/10/2025 28/04/2025 0 ---
VU23095 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing Blended 21/04/2025 13/10/2025 28/04/2025 0 ---
VU23096 Communicate verbally in a further study context Blended 27/01/2025 18/07/2025 03/02/2025 0 ---
VU23096 Communicate verbally in a further study context Online 27/01/2025 18/07/2025 03/02/2025 0 ---
VU23097 Participate in collaborative learning Blended 21/04/2025 13/10/2025 28/04/2025 0 ---
YH801 Mental Health in Young People Part 1 FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
YH802 Mechanisms of Wellbeing FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---
YH901 Mental Health in Young People Part 2 FlexiClass 17/02/2025 20/06/2025 21/03/2025 0.125 ---